Premium+ Penthouse Playpen

Premium+ Penthouse Playpen

Regular price $160.99


  • Dimensions: 43" L x 46" W x 19" H
  • Flexible design - use with Premium+ Penthouse or free-standing
  • Easily attaches to Premium+ Penthouse
  • Expands pet's living space
  • Assembles in minutes with only a screwdriver

Attach this playpen to your Ware Premium+ Penthouse Hutch to give your bunny even more room to roam. Durably constructed of a fir wood frame with a non-toxic finish this pen features galvanized epoxy-coated wire mesh for protection and durability.

The Premium+ Penthouse Playpen attaches securely and easily to the side of the penthouse giving your bunny a nice area for fresh air and exercise. Premium+ Penthouse Rabbit Hutch sold separately.